Named Anchor A named anchor provides a way of tagging a section of text as the target (AKA “the head”) of a link. For example, each heading within the large document might be tagged with Named Anchors, then HyperText links (AKA the “tail” of a link) jump to the document and automatically scroll to the specified Named Anchor. Obviously, for this scheme to work, each named anchor within a document must be unique. To create a named anchor, select the text that is to become the jump-to point, then choose Named Anchor… from the Anchor menu and enter the name of the Named Anchor, as in: Edmonton is Alberta's capital and… Now to create a link to the named anchor, you include not only the filename, but also the named anchor, separated by a hash mark "#": In Edmonton we visited… Now clicking on the word "Edmonton" in the above text would send the reader directly to the word "Edmonton" in the linked document. Within the Same Document To create an anchors to a specific sections within the current document, the technique is exactly the same except that the file name is omitted, as in In Edmonton we visited… Note: The NCSA Mosaic Back button does not work for an anchor within a document because the Back button is designed to move to a previous document. Move back manually within the document using the scroll bar. Back to Anchor menu, on to Table of Contents, or return to Contents.